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Identification data of the company

The company which is the owner of is Global Marketing Strategies S.L., with registered offices at Ayala 83, 1ºC, 28006 Madrid; Telephone: 34-91-578 26 67; Fax: 34-91-575 90 09. Tax Identification Number: B-81099764 and recorded in the Companies' Registry of Madrid in Volume 9137, book 0, page 75, Section 3, Sheet M-147041, entry 1.

Intellectual property

The contents supplied by are subject to intellectual property rights and are the exclusive property of Global Marketing Strategies S.L. By acquiring a product on the portal the buyer is not entitled to any right of exploitation, distribution or public communication in respect of that product, as Global Marketing Strategies S.L. reserves all such rights.

Applicable laws and jurisdiction

These General Terms and Conditions shall be subject to and shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of Spain.

