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International Sale Contract (German)

Internationaler Kaufvertrag
Pages: 8 + 4 (User Guide)
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Language: German
45,00 €
Model of contract used by companies located in the different countries for the sale and purchase of goods. The exporter (Seller) is obliged to deliver the stated products, and the importer (Buyer) shall acquire them under the agreed conditions of payment, delivery and transaction schedule.

The contract is design for sales of products business to business, not to end consumers, and in which each operation constitutes a sale in itself, that it is to say, it is not part of a long term agreement to the supply of products. It that was the case, it is preferable to use the model of International Supply Contract.

The model is intended for the international sale of different types of products (raw materials, industrial components, consumer goods, machinery, etc.). In the most important aspects of the contract (products, price, form and date of payment, delivery period, etc.), a number of alternatives have been suggested in order that the most appropriate version may be chosen for the purposes of whoever writes up the contract (Seller or Buyer).

The contract conforms to the principles established in the 1980 Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods.

The language of this contract is German. It is available also in Spanish, French and English.

Index of the Contract

1. Erzeugnisse
2. Preis
3. Lieferbedingungen
4. Packung und Verpackung
5. Zahlungsweise
6. Zahlungstermin
7. Lieferfrist
8. Lieferverzug
9. Vertragshaftung
10. Patente, Marken und gewerbliche Eigentumsrechte
11. Qualitätszeugnis für das Erzeugnis
12. Herkunftsbescheinigung für das Erzeugnis

13. Vertragserfüllung
14. Auflösung wegen Nichterfüllung
15. Insolvenz
16. Fortbestehen der Verpflichtungen
17. Abtretung von Rechten und Pflichten
18. Vertragslaufzeit
19. Eigentumsvorbehalt
20. Höhere Gewalt
21. Anwendbares Recht
22. Lösung von Rechtsstreitigkeiten
23. Steuern
24. Sprache