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international contract

Created on Thursday, 12 December 2013 / English blog
Tags: international contract, international agreement, law, drafting contracts, drafting agreements
While the use or preprinted or standard contract forms -downloaded in websites such as Global Negotiator- is certainly an effective means of doing international business, you must at the same time be cautious ... [ +++ ]
Created on Thursday, 27 June 2013 / English blog
Tags: Jurisdiction, law, governing law, international contracts
In a transaction with no foreign element involved it will not usually be necessary to specify the system of law which is to govern the transaction or the courts which are to have jurisdiction in the event ... [ +++ ]
Created on Monday, 19 March 2012 / Blog Pages
Tags: International Contracts Clauses
International Contracts Clauses Explanations and texts in three languages (English, Spanish and French) of Clauses used in international contracts Arbitration Clauses Language ... [ +++ ]